The Nudge Institute


About the Organization

“Tisser India aims to provide sustainable livelihoods, income-generating opportunities, and access to professional support to rural artisans in India.

Tisser is an ecosystem player that works in artisan clusters pan India and helps in supply chain integration, sets processes to empower artisans, streamlines producer groups, and facilitates the entrepreneurial ecosystem by working with the producer groups.

Tisser has a network of more than 10,000 artisans, groups, and SHGs across South Asia. Working in more than 100 art forms, Tisser generates livelihoods for 1000+ rural clusters in 18 states of India with more than 1,000 products made using traditional and cultural art forms.  Read Less


Developing key enterprises in Clusters is an important aspect of the trust’s operations and is essential for developing partnerships and ensuring livelihood generation for artisans across larger catchment areas. Well-designed market-led products are key to artisans’ revival, and hence Tisser products are co-created with artisans.”

Active Founder

Dr. Megha Phansalkar 

An Urban Regional Planner with an experience of 20 years in the development sector. Dr. Megha Phansalkar specializes in community-led development in water supply, sanitation, and livelihoods.

 Presently Founder ‘Tisser Artisan Trust supports handicraft and handloom artisans across South Asia through a value chain approach.

 Founder AUREUS, Augmenting Urban and Regional Environment, Utilities and Systems.

 Principal Advisor, Projects, WMRC, All India Institute for Local Self Government Mumbai

 Principal Advisor, Taru Leading Edge, Delhi Dr. Megha Phansalkar was elected to Steering Committee for three years to represent South Asia in WSSCC (Water Supply Sanitation Collaborative Council, Geneva) WSSCC is a body with UNOPS. Governance Chair at WSSCC (2018 – 2021). She has worked Consultant World Bank Group / FAO for National Rural Livelihood Project and other state livelihood projects for 15 years. It included being a resident consultant in Maharashtra and driving a livelihood mission.

The work with World Bank started in Nepal as an institutional specialist for social accountability in the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP-II) for the World Bank. She was also a senior advisor to CEMDS (Center for Environment Management and Decision Support), Vienna.

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